How this Blog Changed Someone’s Life?

Muhammad Abdullah
2 min readMay 4, 2021


This story is all about how I found something really interesting… Usually, I am a person who is very busy but one day I had nothing to do at all. Nothing was really going on. I suddenly looked outside my window and there was a lot of pollution. This led me into thinking something… I thought about how humans have been cutting down forests, burning down fossil fuels and doing all those things that have been affecting the climate over the years. As I thought more about this, I decided to research a bit on the topic and dig deep into it. When I researched, I found out that climate change is something very threatening to us and if we do not take action very soon, the consequences will be serious and irreversible. I saw the attitude of people towards this matter was not serious. People don’t take it seriously. People don’t think about the future. People don’t care about the environment. Then I found a blog named the Green Service. It had every information related to climate change, how it’s affecting us and how we can stop it from happening. The blogs are of top quality and they offer a very cheap price per month. For only $9.99 per month, you can get access to an unlimited library of blogs. For me to find this website was amazing because it helped me research and learn about a lot of stuff that I never thought about. I would definitely recommend you to join this blog is this if what interests you.

