Why do People Buy?

Muhammad Abdullah
2 min readApr 12, 2021


Why do people buy stuff? Do people buy things because they need them or they desire something? Hello, my name is Muhammad Abdullah. I am 13 years old. I go to Acton Academy. We have a project where we are studying about entrepreneurship and sales.

Why do People Buy Stuff?

Here is a question for you to think about. Why do people buy things? In my perspective, people buy things because that makes them happy. Mostly, people buy things not because they need them or if it’s important for daily existence. People buy products or services based on their emotional needs or wants and then try to justify their purchase. If you know what people want to buy and why that product gives them happiness and adds value to their life, you have a great power to give people what they want. I believe that the reason which drives people to buy a specific product is it’s functionality and it’s price.

Why do we buy things that they don’t need?

People want to buy things which they don’t need. They just have a desire to do so. I believe TV commercials are made for this. They influence us to buy something even if we don’t need that. Another reason is boredom. When we don’t have any purpose or anything to do, we buy something


People can’t stop buying. That’s how they are. We tend to buy unnecessary things when it’s giving us happiness.

